Sunday, May 20, 2018

Cape Cod National Seashore

Hey y’all woodland hillers.  It’s day 4 of our Boston/Cape Cod trip and today has been a lot of fun. First, we visited the National Seashore Visitor Center and watched a really cool video about the formation of Cape Cod and what elements were used to form it. We then went on a hike where we learned even more about the formation of the cape. One thing that I found very interesting was that there are ponds around the island called kettle holes. The holes were formed by glaciers sitting in one area and dirt and sediments gathering around the glacier and when the glacier melts, it turns into a really cool looking pond and we got to see a lot of those. Once the hike was over, we did some lab activities on the beach and got to spend some solo time on the beach and relax in the sand. Our next stop was to the Costal Marine something. We saw a really cool skeleton of an entire whale that was so cool to look at. One of the best parts was the fact that we got to pick up trash on the beach. Now I feel as though all of us will look at the waste we use so much differently. We had a super cool night experience where we got to meet people from another school in Atlanta. There were so many cool opportunities on this trip that we’ve been on so far and I am so excited to see what tomorrow brings!

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